insight into posture

Asana means posture in Sanskrit. It is often all we think that yoga is when we begin. Then gradually we find the different strands and realise posture is merely a starting point. Posture is ultimately how we are in ourselves, how we inhabit our bodies and find the 'comfortable steadiness' that underpins all of Yoga. 


I rarely teach posture as such. Then how do you teach Yoga? You may wonder. What I teach is the essence of posture, of being a soul united with this body home; of finding ways to move and breathe that feel more like a living soul than the fixed destination of posture as it is commonly taught. 


But here, for good measure I share an edited version of the articles I write for my local village magazine. Where written words have to suffice and the magic that I can share in face to face teaching is not available. I love writing these articles because they challenge me to think about the essence of any described pose and how it might be made to be something that nonetheless has an energetic purpose and result. I hope you enjoy them as much as me!